Good Shepherd Lutheran Church
Welcome! Here at Good Shepherd, you will find a place to hear and learn more about your Savior Jesus, to be faithful to God's Word, to enjoy the companionship and support of fellow believers who care about you, and to grow in faith and hope and love as we walk together on our road to heaven. At Good Shepherd, we've found peace and purpose in our lives through faith in Jesus Christ, and we find joy in loving and serving each other to God's glory. We'd love for you to join us!
Lent & Holy Week Schedule:
Midweek Lent Services – 7:00pm, Wednesdays until April 9th
Palm Sunday – 9:00am, Sunday, April 13th
Maundy Thursday – 7:00pm, Thursday, April 17th
Good Friday Afternoon – 1:00pm, Friday, April 18th
Good Friday Evening – 7:00pm, Friday, April 18th
Joint-Area Easter Vigil Service – 7:00pm, Saturday, April 19th at Good Shepherd
Easter Sunrise – 6:30am, Sunday, April 20th
Easter Festival – 9:00am, Sunday, April 20th
Our Worship Service Schedule:
Wednesday Worship Service - 7:00pm
Sunday Worship Service - 9:00am
Livestream Worship Service Broadcast on YouTube & Facebook - Sunday, 9:00am
Adult Bible Class & Youth Sunday School (During School Year) - Sunday, 10:15am
Weekly Adult Bible Classes (During School Year) - Tuesdays, 6:30pm & Thursdays, 10:00am
Click Below to View Our Monthly Church Calendar:
February 2025
March 2025
The core beliefs of Good Shepherd Evangelical Lutheran Church are that we are saved:
By grace alone - that is, our salvation is entirely from God. We are by nature blind, dead, enemies of God (Psalm 51:5). On our own, we are lost forever with no hope of eternal life in heaven. But God sent his Son, Jesus Christ, to live a perfect life for us and suffer the punishment sin deserves in our place. Jesus Christ died for us and on Easter morning rose from the dead to prove that he has forever defeated sin and death and won forgiveness and life for us. This is entirely a gift of God’s undeserved love.
Through faith alone - that is, this gift from God - namely, the forgiveness of sins - becomes ours when the Holy Spirit works faith in our hearts that trusts Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. Faith is not a decision we can make on our own, but faith too is a gift from God that he works inside of us through his Gospel message in Word and Sacraments (Ephesians 1:4).
According to scripture alone - that is, God’s Word, the Bible, is the inspired and inerrant word of God, from beginning to end. It is not a book that changes with the passing of time, but is and always will remain the way God speaks to us. The Bible says, “Faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word of Christ” (Romans 10:17). God’s Word is not simply words on a page, but it is a faith-creating and faith-sustaining life source.
Good Shepherd Evangelical Lutheran Church is a member of the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS). You can visit the WELS website for a more detailed statement of beliefs.

Good shepherd lutheran preschool
Our primary mission at Good Shepherd Lutheran Preschool is to teach children about Jesus, their Savior. Our objective is to provide children with experiences that will help prepare them for kindergarten while teaching them about Jesus and how His Word applies to every part of their daily lives.