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Good Shepherd’s 75th anniversary celebration will take place on Sunday, September 21st with a worship service at 10:00am and a meal to follow. Should that meal be CATERED?
(Please Select One Option)
Yes (more expensive, but less stress for members)
No (will save costs, but increase workload on members)
Comments (or other ideas about anniversary festivities)
In connection with our 75th anniversary celebration, the Church Council has been considering a number of property maintenance and renovation projects (even making preliminary contact with an architect for assistance). The following is a list of projects that are being considered. Please prioritize these projects 1-8, with 1 being the highest priority and 8 being the lowest.
Priority #1
Replace church & preschool carpet
Replace/Re-surface parking lot
Improve narthex lighting
Expand narthex toward parking lot
Improve sanctuary lighting
Sanctuary painting
Re-cover church pews
Modify sanctuary seating (Replace front pews with chairs? Remove pews for more space?)
Priority #2
Replace church & preschool carpet
Replace/Re-surface parking lot
Improve narthex lighting
Expand narthex toward parking lot
Improve sanctuary lighting
Sanctuary painting
Re-cover church pews
Modify sanctuary seating (Replace front pews with chairs? Remove pews for more space?)
Priority #3
Replace church & preschool carpet
Replace/Re-surface parking lot
Improve narthex lighting
Expand narthex toward parking lot
Improve sanctuary lighting
Sanctuary painting
Re-cover church pews
Modify sanctuary seating (Replace front pews with chairs? Remove pews for more space?)
Priority #4
Replace church & preschool carpet
Replace/Re-surface parking lot
Improve narthex lighting
Expand narthex toward parking lot
Improve sanctuary lighting
Sanctuary painting
Re-cover church pews
Modify sanctuary seating (Replace front pews with chairs? Remove pews for more space?)
Priority #5
Replace church & preschool carpet
Replace/Re-surface parking lot
Improve narthex lighting
Expand narthex toward parking lot
Improve sanctuary lighting
Sanctuary painting
Re-cover church pews
Modify sanctuary seating (Replace front pews with chairs? Remove pews for more space?)
Priority #6
Replace church & preschool carpet
Replace/Re-surface parking lot
Improve narthex lighting
Expand narthex toward parking lot
Improve sanctuary lighting
Sanctuary painting
Re-cover church pews
Modify sanctuary seating (Replace front pews with chairs? Remove pews for more space?)
Priority #7
Replace church & preschool carpet
Replace/Re-surface parking lot
Improve narthex lighting
Expand narthex toward parking lot
Improve sanctuary lighting
Sanctuary painting
Re-cover church pews
Modify sanctuary seating (Replace front pews with chairs? Remove pews for more space?)
Priority #8
Replace church & preschool carpet
Replace/Re-surface parking lot
Improve narthex lighting
Expand narthex toward parking lot
Improve sanctuary lighting
Sanctuary painting
Re-cover church pews
Modify sanctuary seating (Replace front pews with chairs? Remove pews for more space?)
Comments/Other Needs or Ideas
Each October, we hold a special worship series focusing on some aspect of the Christian life. Do you have any specific questions or issues dealing with Christian faith and living that you would like to explore in a worship service or series?
Considering ministry planning for the future, what are we doing well as a congregation? What could we be doing better/differently?